the english exam
All about technology
what is technology?
Technology is the set of scientifically ordered technical knowledge that enables us to design and create goods, services that facilitate adaptation to the environment and satisfaction of the essential needs and desires of humanity.
How does technology influence?
Technological activity influences social and economic progress, but if its application is merely commercial, it can be oriented to satisfy the desires of the most prosperous (consumerism) and not to solve the essential needs of the most needy.
Importance of technology in our times
Technology brings great benefits to humanity, its main role is to create better useful tools to simplify saving time and effort of work, technology plays a major role in our social environment because thanks to it we can communicate immediately thanks to the cell phone.
words that may interest you with its meaning
Are used to store information to be referenced and manipulated in a computer program.
Control Structure:
Is a block of programming that analyzes
and chooses a direction in which to go based on given parameters.
1 Is the set of rules that defines
the combinations of symbol that are considered to be a correctly structured
document of fragment in that language.
now we will talk about the setup
what is the setup?
Why do programs need a setup?
Most users regard setup as
a necessary evil, to be performed
quickly as
possible. The point of installing the programs
to use it, not to make innumerable decisions about
and ussage or to spend a lot of
answering personal questions used for registration
or marketing purposes.
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